What is Hemp Films, really?
Hemp Films was born back in 2003, when phones had cords, cameras used tapes, computer monitors were giant tubes, and high definition video just meant a bigger screen. ah yes, the past; but i digress. springing from a Florida high school graphics and arts class, and magnanimously named after said class's teacher, Mr. Hemp, a production company blossomed that has weathered the test of time, seen nations rise and fall, technologies come and go (remember the canon xl1? neither do we), tides ebb and flow, and seasons cycle. In Florida, Hemp Films dabbled in silly short films, music videos, and even film contests, each time gaining new insight and new prowess. Alas, our story seems to die here, much like the multitude of other things that seem to die in Florida. Hemp Films experiences a quiet.
But as the wise soothsayer, Celine Dion, once sang, "a new day has come." And so too for Hemp Films. finding new life in the oft overflown mid-west twin cities, our hero discovered an important collaboration partner in Slink Proper, a local rapper and storyteller. The team worked with fervor and intensity to produce a music video for nearly every song on Slink's SP mixtape. Thus a legacy was born.
Minnesota, however, was not where Hemp Films would call home. In a moment of fiery passion, Hemp Films headed west, to the emerald city of music, to that quaint coffee and pot scented gem hidden away deep within the Pacific Northwest: Seattle. Once settled, Hemp Films began anew with the music videos, and realized stuff also gets performed live. So our hero does that too. Join Hemp Films in a legacy that spans 15 years, add to our repertoire of video, and be the person Hemp Films knows you already are inside.